

Society of Physics Students (SPS)

The Society of Physics Students is a part of Mississippi State University's Physics and Astronomy Department and a daughter organization of the American Institute of Physics; our region is known as Zone 10 of the general society. The goal of the SPS is to associate undergraduate students and graduate students from all areas of physics and astronomy. Our local chapter is based out of the Rundel Reading Room, the physics undergraduates' study room.

The Society of Physics Students at MSU invites all interested parties to come to either of the biweekly meetings in the Rundel Room (Hilbun Hall, room 45):

  • Tea: at 4:15 pm on alternate Wednesday afternoons, students and faculty members discuss current research, recent articles, and possible opportunities for collaboration. Refreshments are served and the public is invited.
  • Chapter Meetings: at 7:30 pm on the other Wednesdays, Society members discuss outreach programs, regional conferences, and possible activities. Occasionally these regular meetings are replaced with the activities (i.e. movie night, special speaker, etc).

For further information about events, please contact an officer or Dr. Dipangkar Dutta (SPS faculty advisor).

Physics Graduate Student Association (PGSA)

Since 2009, the PGSA has served as a common platform for all the graduate students in the Physics and Astronomy Department here at MSU.  Its purpose is to foster interaction among the graduate students in the department.  It is a non-profit organization that promotes and emphasizes the true atmosphere for learning and working through regular seminars by students and faculty members, interactive sessions, workshops, etc.

The MSU PGSA also works with the Ole Miss PGSA to host the Annual Joint Physics Research Symposium.  Through regular meetings and the occasional arrangement of pizza-party events, the PGSA also promotes and supports the multicultural atmosphere here at MSU.

MSU Astronomy Club

The MSU Astronomy Club is also a part of the Physics and Astronomy Department. Its main goal is to get students interested in astromomy, astrophysics or planetary science.

The club has a few meetings over the semester but spends most of its efforts hosting public telescope viewing events at the Howell Observatory on the University's South Farm.