R. Torsten Clay
- Computational Physics
- Condensed Matter Physics
- Faculty
- Computational Physics
- Professor
- 233 Hilbun Hall
Dr. R. Torsten Clay is a Professor in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at Mississippi State University. He is interested in strongly correlated electron materials, unconventional superconductors, quantum Monte Carlo and other many-body methods. Most of his computations are done with the supercomputers at the MSU High Performance Computing Collaboratory.
Graduate Students
- Dipayan Roy, 2019 MS, PhD TBD
- Dr. Wasanthi De Silva, 2015 MS, 2016 PhD
- A. Bryan Ward, 2015 MS
- Dr. Saurabh Dayal, 2008 MS, 2012 PhD
- Dr. Jeong-Pil Song, 2011 PhD
- Dr. Rahul P. Hardikar, 2005 MS, 2007 PhD
Teaching Areas
- PH 2213 Physics I
- PH 2223 Physics II
- PH 4413/6413 Thermal Physics
- PH 4433/6433 Computational Physics
- PH 4813/6813 Solid State Physics
- PH 8213 Mechanics
- PH 8743 Quantum Mechanics I
- PH 8753 Quantum Mechanics II
- Ph. D. Physics, University of Illinois, IL, 1999
- B.S. Physics, Yale University, CT, 1993
- 2014-present: Professor, Mississippi State University
- 2008-2014: Associate Professor, Mississippi State University
- 2011: Visiting Professor, Visiting Professor, Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo, Japan
- 2002-2008: Assistant Professor, Mississippi State University
- 1999-2002: Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Arizona
Research Interests
- Superconductors
- Quantum Monte Carlo
Recent Publications
- RTC, N. Gomes, S. Mazumdar, “Theory of triangular lattice quasi-one-dimensional chargetransfer solids,” Phys. Rev B 100, 115158 (2019) (8 pages).
- RTC, S. Mazumdar, “From charge- and spin-ordering to superconductivity in the organic charge-transfer solids,” Physics Reports 788, 1 (2019) (89 pages).
- RTC, A. B. Ward, N. Gomes, and S. Mazumar, “Bond patterns and charge-order amplitude in quarter-filled charge-transfer solids,” Phys. Rev B 95, 125114 (2017) (7 pages).
Honors/Professional Activities
- 2010-present Undergraduate coordinator and adviser, Physics
- 2010-present Chair, undergraduate program committee, Physics
- Member: MSU Honors Faculty, MSU Materials Working Group, MSU Center for Computational Sciences, MSU High Performance Computing Collaboratory
- 2011 Mississippi State University State Pride Award
- 2006 Certificate of Appreciation, Increasing Minority Access to Graduate Education/National Society of Black Engineers, from students in PH2223
- 2004 Ralph E. Powe junior faculty enhancement award, Oak Ridge Associated Universities