Guidelines to Write an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Statement for Faculty Candidates
The equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) statement is an opportunity for a candidate to demonstrate a commitment to excellence in research and education through advancement of diversity, equity, and inclusion. The EDI statement can be viewed as similar to the “Broader Impacts” section that is required in a National Science Foundation (NSF) proposal. The EDI statement is typically one-page long and might include one or more of the following elements:
A description of present challenges faced by underrepresented groups (URGs): An applicant might discuss awareness of current hurdles faced by underrepresented groups in the physical sciences.
This can be portrayed by personal experiences and/or by referencing published work on this topic [e.g. Puritty et al. Science (2017), 357, 1101; Cabay et al. Soc. Sci. (2018), 7, 23 and the APS TEAM-UP report]. URGs could include women, under-represented ethnic or racial minorities, LGBTQ people, first-generation college students, people with disabilities, and people from lower socio-economic backgrounds.
Examples of past efforts: An applicant might describe specific examples of past involvement and effort on equity, diversity, and inclusion activities.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Mentoring/advocacy: teaching, tutoring, or mentoring in programs for URGs as well as activities advocating for EDI issues in a previous academic position.
- Education/Outreach: outreach efforts aimed at URGs, attendance to conferences, seminars, luncheons, etc. aiming at promoting engagement and supporting URGs.
- Community/Service: volunteering at a particular organization targeting engagement with URGs.
If an applicant does not have a substantial record of past activities, evidence of the understanding of the challenges faced by URMs and a commitment to future plans should be clearly articulated.
- Future Plans: An applicant might provide examples of activities and plans that demonstrate a commitment to advance equity, diversity, and inclusion at MSU. Suggestions might contribute to specific projects already taking place on campus. An applicant could describe commitment by integrating diversity ideas within a research and teaching plan, for example by diversifying a research group or by developing/using teaching practices that accommodate diverse learning styles and/or disabilities. A well-developed plan should show potential to impact a research area, department, campus, and community. It is important to be realistic about level of effort. Creative ideas will be well-received, but feasibility of the proposed activities is important.
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